The Black Jacket Constitution


What are the Black Jackets?
    • The MINDDRIVE Black Jackets are a select number of students who show remarkable leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills when faced with adversity in their distinctive afterschool programs. They are student role models in MINDDRIVE who are devoted to continuing to educate their community in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) without being told. It’s a great privilege to be a part of the MINDDRIVE Black Jacket community.
  • Fundamentals of being a Black Jacket:
    • Must show strong leadership skills, must be self-lead, strong work ethic, motivated, and responsible. 
  • Elements of Becoming a Black Jacket:
    • Willingness to learn whether it be from mistakes or mentorship
    • Strong Self Esteem
    • Maturity in front of guests
    • Educating new members
    • Creating a welcoming and holistic community
    • Comradery

The Black Jacket President

What is a Black Jacket President? 

  • The Black Jacket President at MINDDRIVE is a pivotal and dynamic leadership role within this non-profit organization situated in the vibrant community of 27th and Holmes in Kansas City, Missouri. This role is held by a remarkable individual who exemplifies exceptional qualities, including being a confident and strong leader, a mentor, and a communicator par excellence. The Black Jacket President is responsible for spearheading MINDDRIVE’s mission of empowering youth through innovative education and mentorship. In conclusion, the Black Jacket President at MINDDRIVE is a role model, a catalyst for change, and a symbol of the organization’s commitment to youth empowerment, diversity, and community engagement. Through their leadership, mentorship, and adaptability, they contribute significantly to MINDDRIVE’s mission of shaping future leaders and innovators.

What should a Black Jacket president look like?

    • Youthful Leadership: 
      • The Black Jacket President is a testament to the organization’s commitment to fostering youth leadership and empowerment. This role showcases the potential for young individuals to drive meaningful change.
    • Confidence and Strength: 
      • These qualities are the foundation of effective leadership. The Black Jacket President demonstrates unwavering confidence in their abilities and the strength to face challenges head-on, inspiring others to do the same.
    • Mentorship: 
      • The Black Jacket President plays a crucial role as a mentor, guiding and nurturing the talents of fellow members and aspiring leaders within MINDDRIVE. Their mentorship fosters personal and professional growth.
    • Adaptiveness: 
      • In a constantly evolving world, adaptability is a priceless attribute. The Black Jacket President is adept at navigating change, helping the organization stay relevant and effective.
    • Exceptional Communication: 
      • Effective communication is key to any leadership role. The Black Jacket President possesses outstanding communication skills, facilitating collaboration, understanding, and synergy among team members.
    • Crew Leadership: 
      • This role involves leading and organizing the team, ensuring that everyone works harmoniously toward MINDDRIVE’s mission and goals.
  • Welcoming New Students:
      • The Black Jacket President serves as the face of MINDDRIVE when welcoming new students to the organization.
      • They create a warm and inclusive environment by personally greeting newcomers, making them feel valued and appreciated.
      • To facilitate a smooth transition, the President offers insights into the organization’s culture, programs, and opportunities, ensuring that new students quickly feel integrated into the MINDDRIVE community.
  • Communication with Visitors and New Students:
      • The President effectively communicates with tourists, new students, and their families who are visiting MINDDRIVE.
      • They provide informative and engaging tours, sharing the organization’s mission, achievements, and impact.
      • By being bilingual, the President ensures that language is not a barrier to understanding and appreciating MINDDRIVE’s work.
  • Checking In with Lacking Black Jackets:
      • The President plays a crucial role in maintaining the organization’s standards and values.
      • They check in with members who may be lacking Black Jackets, offering support and guidance to help them achieve this status.
      • By setting a positive example and providing mentorship, the President encourages all members to strive for excellence.
  • Teaching and Mentoring Focus:
      • Rather than simply completing tasks, the Black Jacket President prioritizes teaching and mentoring students.
      • They guide students in problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management, helping them develop valuable skills.
      • The President empowers students to take ownership of their projects and learning experiences, fostering independence and self-confidence.
  • Motivation:
      • The President serves as a motivational figure within MINDDRIVE.
      • They inspire students, team members, and the entire MINDDRIVE community to set and achieve ambitious goals.
      • Through their actions, enthusiasm, and unwavering belief in the organization’s mission, they ignite a sense of purpose and determination in others.
  • Maintaining Positive and Encouraging Energy:
    • The President is responsible for creating a positive and encouraging atmosphere at MINDDRIVE.
    • They actively promote teamwork, respect, and a growth mindset among members.
    • By acknowledging and celebrating achievements, big or small, they ensure that everyone feels appreciated and motivated to excel.
In essence, the Black Jacket President not only embodies the organization’s values but also actively nurtures a supportive and inclusive environment for students and visitors alike. Their focus on communication, mentorship, and motivation contributes significantly to the success and growth of MINDDRIVE.
The Black Jacket Vice President

What does it mean to be the Black Jacket Vice President?

  • Accepts being the President if the current President is absent.
  • Being resilient during difficult times.
    • Rather than giving up when faced with adversity. They are able to accommodate the issues they are encountered with.
  • Exemplar model
    •  Give an idea to Minddrive students and other Black Jackets to become extraordinary leaders for the next generation.
  • Being very strategic with their steps.
    • Planning ahead of time before meetings.
    • Taking time out of their day to organize notes and check in with students (if needed).
  • Being the President’s right-hand man (Lightening their load).
    • Scheduling and helping the President with tasks that are assigned to the President.
    • Creating agendas for future events.
  • Strong communication skills between students/President/Cabinet/Representative/Treasurer.
    • Building a community/family at Minddrive
Black Jacket Representative/Treasurer

What does being the Black Jacket Representative/Treasurer represent?

  • They are a highly vocal leader and aren’t afraid of backlash and bringing up any controversial decisions. 
  • They are able to communicate with others outside and inside Minddrive efficiently.
  • Having passion/empathy for their thoughts on topics that come up.
  • They are quick thinkers, have questions, related to the topic, and are ready for what comes up next.
  • They have  a broad perspective
    • Acknowledging everyone’s thoughts or any possible ideas 
    • They are always considering the quality of life at Minddrive, upholding Minddrive’s ideals, and bringing up topics that could help improve student learning and the community at Minddrive.
  • They are very open-minded about ideas represented, keeping everyone on track and keeping in mind many possible conflicts that are needed to bring up. 
Black Jacket Supreme Court

What is the purpose of the Black Jacket Supreme Court?

  • (President, Vice President, and Representative/Treasurer) A group of individuals who re-evaluate debates that are discussed in meetings and come to a final conclusion.
    • This allows meetings to become very productive next meeting.
  • The President, Vice President, and Representative/Treasurer need to work closely together to find topics that need to be discussed during a meeting.
  • Facilitate discussions.
    • Being able to bring back a meeting when things get off topic.
    • Bring up topics that need to be covered in a meeting.
  • Distribute work to the Black Jackets after the meeting is done.
    • Holding all Black Jackets accountable for completing the task that is assigned.
  • Follow up with Black Jackets who are absent
  • The Black Jacket Supreme Court also meets regularly to create agendas for upcoming meetings, discuss plans, and dispute debates that arise in meetings. 
Black Jacket Secretary

What does it mean to be the Black Jacket Secretary?

  • The Black Jacket secretary is a skilled note-taker who is able to quickly summarize what is said during meetings in an efficient precise way. They go out of their way to prepare for the next meetings, revise the notes taken after the meetings, and keep everyone up with the agendas and dates for meetings and/or events to come that will happen in/with Minddrive. In turn, they also will be able to see and pinpoint problems within debates as well as critique certain topics that arise in the debates and meetings. Being on top of deadlines and dates is something the secretary will be sure to do as well as making sure what happens within the meeting is recorded In some way via notes, voice/video recordings etc
Black Jacket Cabinet

What does it mean to be a Black Jacket Cabinet member?

  • A Black Jacket Cabinet member is a person within the Black Jackets that is assigned as a representative within a class. They bring information to the Black Jacket supreme court and help relay the needs of the class with the Black Jackets. They are expected to be a leader within the class and to help mentor and teach students with any problems they may encounter. They will also engage in meetings giving their thoughts and opinions.

What should a Black Jacket Cabinet member look like?

  • A Black Jacket Cabinet member should strive to be a leader of their class, taking responsibility for when issues may arise and bringing the information to the Black Jacket Supreme Court. They should be observant of their community and students and be proactive in solving problems. They should be everything a Black Jacket is and more, with a passion for their class.
Team Purple Captains

What is a (Team Purple) captain?:

  • Captains are chosen because they may potentially become black jackets when they become high school students. These students have the skills and features that we look for in black jackets.

What to look for when choosing a team purple captain:

  • Determination in trying to fix/change a certain problem they may encounter.
  • Willing to mentor give aid to students who don’t quite understand the concept.
  • Adaptability 
  • Always coming in with a good attitude.
    • Being able to solve the task given to them on their own 
  • Trustworthiness
    • Being able to trust a person with your back turned.
    • Being trusted with tools. 
  • Willingness to learn from people who have more experience than them
Team Black Captains

What is a Team Black Captain?:

  • Team Black Captains are chosen because of their exceptional leadership skills when leading a group of students. They are always willing to learn from mentors and have an open ear to ear with students to create a positive and safe space at MINDDRIVE.





.What to look for in a Team Black Captain: 

  • Passionate in their certain after/during school activity
  • Dedicated to finishing their projects before the end of the school year 
  • Creativity 
  • Maturity 
  • Having certain goals they want to accomplish
  • Being able to problem-solve on their own without having to reach out to mentors and staff.
  • Able to manage a team of people by giving them tasks, guiding them, and helping them out.
  • Active listeners 
  • Responsible with the tools around them. 
  • If there is an even number of Black Jacket members; Black Jacket President gets 2 votes.
  • If there is an odd number of Black Jacket members; Black Jacket President gets 1 vote.
  • Vice President, Representative/Treasurer, Secretary, and Cabinet all get 1 vote